well it's the last day of february. this year surely is going by fast.
i would like to give a shoutout to all my friends: thank you for always being here for me and making me the person i am today. i could not have made it this far without your love and support.
i used to think someone's best friend was someone they grew up. someone they have known since kindergarten. fortunately i was lucky enough to grow up with my best friend who happens to be my cousin also! pretty much we're going to be best friends forever, and if you know us, you know we'll be making trouble for the rest of our lives. don't think it's going to stop in the nursing home. it's not.
i have learned in the past few months that when it comes to true friends, it doesn't matter how long you've known each other, where you met, or how often you talk. a true friend will always be there for you the minute you need them. like they say, a good friend will bail you out of jail, but a true friend will be in the cell standing next to you saying that was fun!!
i have been blessed to meet new people on a regular basis. people who experience constant loneliness are missing out. we need friends in our lives to be our support systems. we can't go through this life by ourselves. nothing is meant to be easy, but our hardships can be easier with the help of friends.
i feel very fortunate to have met the people that i have. some people i don't talk to anymore, but if anyone was meant to be my friend, they still are. and sometimes people just come back no matter how many times you try to get rid of them. those are the friends you know will always be there.
it's also great to have friends that you have amazing memories with. making ouija boards, catching tadpoles and killing a few, making heart pretzels, going to weekly movies, skating at sonic, being called brittany, trips to glenwood, texting til your fingers are sore (by the way that's not possible for me). pictures don't last forever, but memories do.
thank you to all my friends! you really have no idea how much i love you guys!
xoxo court
Awww! Sweeeet post! We all need good friends in our lives. It's just tricky sometimes weeding out the people that aren't really good friends. I'm glad that you have found and kept the good ones.