i decided to chop all my hair off. i figured it's time for a change. plus, i can't even remember i had my hair grown out. i don't know how to take care of it. everyday is the same over and over. but with this new cut i can do so much! and i love it!
school is over in just under a month. i am so excited! i just want to be home and with my friends and family again. i'm trying to bust out all my hours. i've been going to school 6 days a week and over 50 hours a week. it gets very tiring but i know in the end it will totally be worth it! i can't say i haven't enjoyed any time here because that would not be true. there are definitely some moments i will never forget. at the same time, i am ready to get out of here. i don't understand how anyone can live in provo this long. it makes me sick.
i've met some great people up here! it has been a great social experience. course, my mean streak came out recently so i have made a few people cry lately. oh well. that's their problem. i'm just glad i won't be a big softie when i get home. still gotta keep everyone in line.
we had my birthday party last week. there were only 4 of us there but that's ok. it was nice to have people there. my sister, cousin, and roomate were all chillin. shiloh made me the cutest cake! i loved it! funfetti cake and frosting with dinosaurs on top.

well i think i'm off for now. catch up with ya next time!
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