well another week has come and gone. valentine's day is over. thank goodness for that. i'm not sure if i could take another minute of that.
shiloh and i went to the salt lake at antelope island on monday. besides the very cold weather it was actually a lot of fun. we took some fun pictures and hung out for a while. we finally had to go before i froze to death. i forgot my big coat. i'm not sure what i was thinking. it's still freezing up here. i feel like i'm living in Antarctica or somewhere up there. today was cloudy and very chilly. i want this winter weather to leave! after the lake we went to kim's house and played with andi and jacob. then headed to gateway mall to end the day.
i'm up to 825 hours. getting there. hopefully will be done on time. don't want to spend forever up here. i don't know how people can just live up here their whole life. it makes no sense to me. i'm sure if all my family and friends were up here it would be a different story. but since they are back home, that's where i want to be. two months!

it's 7:30 and as soon as i finish this blog i'm going to bed. hopefully i can get some sleep in tonight. i'm tired of waking up before i have to. it's getting kind of old. no, it's getting really old. i'm not sure why my body doesn't want to sleep. it just likes being a pain. maybe it's the fact i'm not sleeping on satin sheets. i might have to switch back to those.
less than a month for my birthday. i'm not that thrilled about it. shiloh is getting me an amazing dinosaur cake, but my family is not going to be up here, i don't have any friends up here. and 19 isn't a special number. so pretty much it'll be another day in my book. oh well. at least it's on a day i don't have school. that will make things a little better. who knows, maybe we'll hit up a club or something like that...
well i'm off to get some sleep hopefully. see ya next time!
Thanks for the fun surprise visit! It will get really pretty in Utah right as you are finishing school. Figures, huh!