hmmm, well where do i begin...that's me - on the right. and on the left is my sister and best friend in the whole world, Kenzie. i've lived in grand junction almost all my life and during that time i have done some pretty crazy things. some examples are.... jumping out my grandma's second story window (ended up with a pretty huge bruise), dying my hair every month for over a year (what can i say, i like variety), and just recently i purchased a scooter (hopefully i won't get run over)!
i recently graduated from Fruita Monument this year and will be headed off to beauty school the end of august!!
i love my family they are the world to me. they are the ones that stick right beside me through all the wonderful adventures i take. hopefully i never end up in jail because no one will bail me out. :(
so keep reading to stay on top of the new and exciting things i'm doing!!